Background: All-ceramic crown (ACC) preparations are widely used in day-to-day dental clinical practice. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate all-ceramic crown preparations performed by pre-clinical dental students at the College of Dentistry, Jazan University in Saudi Arabia and to compare the quality of the preparations between male and female groups. Materials and Methods: A total of 95 ivory teeth were prepared by fourth-year dental students (44 males, 51 females). The students prepared a maxillary right central incisor for ACC after mounting in the Frasaco typodont arches. Two silicone putty indexes for maxillary anterior were obtained that extended to cover one or two teeth on either side. The facial index was used to provide information about the facial reduction mesio-distally. Another index was prepared by cutting the silicone in half along the faciolingual midline of the prepared tooth, providing us with incisal, buccal, palatal, and axial reductions, in addition to biplane reduction. The data were encoded into a Statistical Package for Social Sciences program and analyzed accordingly using Chi-square test. Results: The preparations of ACC for maxillary anterior teeth were acceptable, ranging within 60%-85% in all criteria, which included structural durability, retention, and resistance. The male group was more excellent in incisal reduction (41.0%), whereas the female group was more excellent in axial taper preparations (59.1%), resulting in significant differences between genders in this preparation criteria. All gender groups showed acceptable tooth preparations in shoulder reductions and location of finish lines, ranging within 57%-89%. Conclusion: The preparations for ACC achieved by these dental students were considered clinically acceptable. The students clearly understood the principles of crown preparation. However, they still require more practice in order to master the art of crown preparation.