Forest and land fires can cause damage to forest ecosystems. Repeated fires cause the natural succession to be disrupted. Therefore, based on these problems, to improve the productivity of land after fires in Central Kalimantan, rehabilitation efforts needs to be done. This study aims to analyze the growth response of forestry plants in post-fire area with different soil types. This study consisted of six combinations of treatments namely controls (B0C1 and B0C2), treatment of dolomite, biochar, and compost (B1C1 and B1C2), and treatment of dolomite and NPK (B2C1 and B2C2) that planted randomized and rows Trees species were used in this research were Paraserianthes falcataria, Anthocephalus cadamba, Acacia mangium, and Campnosperma auriculata. Soil samples were also collected for analysis of soil physical and chemical properties on laboratory. This study showed that fertilization treatment significantly affected the increase of height and diameter of four trees species, while planting techniques (randomized and rows) did not significantly affected the increase of height and diameter of four trees species. Dolomite, biochar, and compost application significantly affected the increase of height and diameter of four trees species that planted randomized and rows (B1C1 and B1C2) in Podsol soil. Besides that, NPK and dolomite application significantly affected the increase of height and diameter of four trees species planted by randomized and rows (B2C1 and B2C2) in Acrisol soil. The fastest growth rate was A. mangium followed by P. falcataria, A. cadamba, and C. auriculata on Podsol and Acrisol soil. Based on the observations, P. falcataria, A. cadamba, A. mangium, and C. auriculata are recommended to be planted on both types of soil.
ABSTRAKKebakaran hutan dan lahan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan ekosistem hutan. Kebakaran yang terus berulang menyebabkan suksesi secara alami menjadi terganggu. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kembali produktivitas lahan pasca kebakaran di Kalimantan Tengah, perlu dilakukan rehabilitasi lahan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan tanaman kehutanan pada areal bekas terbakar dengan jenis tanah yang berbeda. Penelitian terdiri atas enam kombinasi perlakuan, yaitu kontrol (B0C1 dan B0C2), perlakuan pemberian dolomit, biochar dan kompos (B1C1 dan B1C2), serta perlakuan pemberian dolomit dan NPK (B2C1 dan B2C2) yang ditanam secara acak dan baris. Spesies pohon yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Paraserianthes falcataria, Antocephalus cadamba, Acacia mangium, dan Campnosperma auriculata. Sampel tanah juga diambil untuk analisis sifat fisik dan kimia tanah di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemupukan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan tinggi dan diameter empat spesies pohon, sedangkan teknik penanaman (acak dan baris) tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan tinggi dan diameter empat spesies pohon. Aplikasi dolomit, biochar, dan kompos berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter empat spesies pohon yang ...