Continued technological and scientific advancement in endodontics makes it possible to develop procedures with quality, agility, reliability, greater safety and greater predictability. Among the multiple mechanized instruments, those with reciprocating kinematics and nickel titanium alloy obtained through the heating process have a more favorable impact on metallurgy, enhancing flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue. In fact, thanks to the ease of use of just an instrument with high cutting capacity, chosen according to the topographic characteristics and taper of the root canal, it is strongly considered. The advantages of this resource are attractive to specialist and clinical professionals, but also to counterfeiters. The purpose of this research was to analyze the cutting capacity, resistance, packaging identification, and visual characteristics of original Wave One Gold Primary endodontic instruments compared to counterfeit ones. The results show that the original Wave One Gold Primary instrument showed greater resistance and equal cutting capacity compared to the counterfeit. The original Wave One Gold Primary file fractured on the seventh use while the counterfeit fractured on the third use. The blisters have some differences in identification, however the QR Code on both packages did not produce a reading. The colored ring on the handle of the counterfeit instrument did not change the volume when subjected to sterilization processing, while the colored ring on the handle of the original instrument changed the volume when immediately subjected to the first sterilization cycle.