Visual literacy is the ability to understand (read) and use (write) images and to think and learn regarding images (both static and moving). Visual literacy and visualization are key learning components in the biochemistry because that science uses models of molecules to explain how cells work. Many studies have shown that visualization technologies (VT) can be useful to develop essential visual literacy. The term "virtual reality" refers to immersive, interactive, multi-sensory, viewer-centered, three-dimensional computer generated environments and the combination of technologies required to build these environments. We design a Virtual Reality (VR) application named VRMET to help the development of visual literacy skills to understand and represent biochemical concepts. VRMET app was developed using Unity3D, Vuforia Augmented Reality SDK and Google VR SDK for Unity. 3D molecules were obtained from Protein Data Bank and ChemSpider and optimized using Blender. VRMET uses a 3D scaled animal cell model. VRMET requires a device with a camera. The user can get the App from the Google Play Store. VRMET has two different scenes: the Augmented reality (AR) scene and the Virtual Reality (VR) scene. AR allows visualizing, from various angles, a scale model of an animal cell. VR allows one to realize a biochemical pathway within the cellular model, visualizing each one of the organelles and observing each of the reactions of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. VRMET allows students to visualize the molecular structure of substrates and products, thus perceiving changes in each molecule along the metabolic pathway. It also allows observing where in the cell each metabolic pathway occurs. Com o marcador impresso em mãos, o usuário pode, então, iniciar o VRMET. Na tela principal do aplicativo, a cena de realidade aumentada é carregada. Nesta cena, o usuário precisa apontar a câmera para o marcador impresso. Projeta-se, virtualmente, um modelo 3D de uma célula animal e dois botões. Cada um deles leva o usuário para seções específicas do aplicativo, tais como voltar para o menu principal () e para a cena de realidade virtual (VR) (Fig. 4). Figura 4. Cena de Realidade Aumentada do VRMET. Na cena de realidade aumentada, o usuário pode interagir com o modelo 3D da célula animal. Para tal, o usuário pode mover o marcador de papel suavemente, para conseguir observar a célula de diferentes ângulos. No centro do campo de visão do usuário aparece um pequeno ponto branco. Esse 45 Journal of Biochemistry Education