Purpose:to prove, develop and check the model of values' formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the course of physical training.
Material:students participated in an experiment (males -n=108; females -n=120; 18-20 years old).
Results:it is determined the values' formation level of a healthy lifestyle. It is developed the model of students' healthy lifestyle formation. The model includes the purpose, the task, the principles, the stages, the organizational and methodical conditions, stages, the program and criteria of efficiency. The program of extracurricular occupations of physical training is a component of the model. It is defined factors which determine values' formation of a healthy lifestyle of student's youth in the course of physical training. The following indicators were statistically and significantly improved: levels of physical activity, theoretical readiness, and motivation, level of physical health, values' formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Conclusions:The stimulating factors are information and effective basis of justification, forecasting, and development of values' formation model of a healthy lifestyle. It is revealed the need for a change of approaches to the modernization of the educational process of physical training for institutions of the higher education.