Achieving sustainable development in modern conditions is one of the main goals of the state policy of any country. One of the important components of this concept is to ensure the reproduction of forest resources, which makes it relevant to analyse the development of this component in different countries. Thus, the purpose of the study was to assess the current state of sustainable development of forest resources in Kazakhstan and formulate recommendations for subsequent state policy in this area. The main research methods were analysis, historical, and abstraction. Within the framework of the study, forest management was assessed. The conclusion was formed that the state authorities of the country form an effective policy in this sphere. This, in turn, leads to long-term development in this sphere. The evolution of the decisions of the state authorities of the country was also traced, and its emphasis and peculiarities were assessed. In order to find solutions to the problems that still remain in this area, some actions that can be applied by the state were proposed. A special emphasis was placed in the context of the problems of forest ecology and sustainable development. Statistical data characterizing the development of forests in the country were used to confirm all the conclusions drawn. This work brings new knowledge to the study of sustainable development and ecology, as well as recommendations to increase the effectiveness of public policy in the field of forestry in Kazakhstan.