Background and objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of reinsertion of the stylet after a spinal anesthesia procedure on the Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH). Methods: We have enrolled into this study 630 patients who were undergoing elective operations with spinal anesthesia and randomized them to Group A (stylet replacement before needle removal) and Group B (needle removal without stylet replacement). These patients were observed for the duration of 24 hours in the hospital and they were checked for PDPH on the 3 rd and the 7 th day of the study. Results: Overall, the PDPH incidence was at 10.8% (68 patients). Thirty-three of these patients (10.5%) who were in Group A (stylet replacement before needle removal) and the other 35 patients (11.1%) who were in Group B (needle removal without stylet replacement) experienced PDPH. There was no signifi cant difference between the two groups with respect to the PDPH. Conclusions: In contrary to the diagnostic lumbar puncture, reinsertion of the stylet after spinal anesthesia with 25-gauge Quincke needles does not reduce the incidence of PDPH.