A field experiment was conducted during the rabi season of 2022-2023 at the Instructional cum Experimental Farm, Nagaland University, School of Agricultural Sciences, Medziphema campus to evaluate the “Effect of different organic sources and time of manuring on the growth, yield and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracaea var. capitata). The experiment consisted of 15 treatments laid out in RBD with three replications. Result of the experiment clearly revealed that application of 75% N through VC one day before transplanting + 25% N through VC 20 DAT obtained maximum growth parameters, quality parameters and yield parameters with plant height (29.69 cm), stem diameter (2.73 cm), plant spread (50.37 cm), head compactness (34.70 cm), ascorbic acid content (9.16 mg 100-1g) and protein content (2.53%), head diameter (13.48 cm), head size (152.41 cm2), gross head weight (1416.67 g), net head weight (865.03 g), yield per plot (10.36 kg) and projected yield per hectare (24.03 t). Highest available N (301.66 kg ha-1) was recorded in T15 (RDF) while T4 (100% N through FYM 10 days before transplanting) recorded the maximum available phosphorous (49.45 kg ha-1). Maximum available potassium (218.89 kg ha-1), organic carbon (2.63%) and CEC (14.66 meq 100-1g) were recorded from T3 (75% N through VC one day before transplanting + 25% N through VC 20 DAT). Economics of treatments was calculated and T3 (75% N through VC one day before transplanting + 25% N through VC 20 DAT) recorded highest net return (Rs 5,03,900).The above findings suggest that the application of vermicompost can be effectively used for obtaining higher yield, improve soil fertility and higher net returns for organic cabbage cultivation.