The recommendation of the Council of European Union of December 2012 introduced the concept of equal value of standards used to obtain qualifications through validation of non-formal and informal learning and standards used in formal education, with recommended implementation of such validation systems in all EU member states by 2018. This triggered policy development in a number of EU member states including Croatia in order to propose new legislation, quality assurance recommendations and support to such provision. This article presents the results of three quantitative research studies in higher education which involved a total of 2027 participants from different stakeholder groups relevant for the recognition of prior learning in higher education. The results reveal general support to the concept with lack of understanding of its full implications and significant differences in approaches and attitudes of higher education institutions and other stakeholders, especially users of validation, towards assessment standards, assessment methods and use of learning outcomes. This implies that changes in assessment concepts and more use of summative methods based on standards linked to national qualifications framework might be slower and harder to implement in Croatia than EU level policy makers might expect.