“…Related contemporaneous work includes Neklyudov (2012), who considers a model with two valuations but introduces heterogeneity in trading speed; the online Appendix of Gavazza (2011), who proposes a model of purely decentralized trade with a continuum of types, subject to search costs, and focuses on the case in which investors trade only once between preference shocks; and Cujean and Praz (2013), who study transparency in OTC markets using a model with a continuum of types and unrestricted asset holdings, where investors are imperfectly informed about the type of their trading partner. More recent work includes Shen, Wei, and Yan (2015), who introduce search costs into our framework; Uslü (2015), who studies heterogenous search intensity, preference shocks, and divisible asset holdings; Sagi (2015), who calibrates a partial equilibrium model with heterogenous types to explain commercial real estate returns; Farboodi, Jarosch, and Shimer (2016), who consider the ex-ante choice of trading speed; Bethune, Sultanum, and Trachter (2016), who introduce private information into our framework of; Farboodi, Jarosch, and Menzio (2018), who consider heterogeneous bargaining power; Zhang (2018), who introduces long-term relationships between customers and dealers; and Liu (2018), who studies the ex-post privately and socially optimal choice of search effort.…”