The study examines Hong Kong managers' motivation for upward revaluation of fixed assets. The results show that revaluations are positively associated with the firms' future operating performance, suggesting that the managers' primary motivation for upward revaluation of fixed assets has been to signal fair value of assets to financial statements users. Another motivation for revaluations has been to improve the firm's borrowing capacity. The results also indicate a significantly positive association between revaluations and stock prices and returns, suggesting that the market's assessment aligns with the managers' revaluations.Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 12:2 2001 *** Significant at the .001 level. RR1 is the net increment to the revaluation balance from revaluations to fixed assets in year t, i.e., current year revaluations scaled by market value of t-1. )OPINC is operating income before depreciation, interest, taxes, and gains on assets in year t minus operating income in year t-1. )WC is working capital in year t minus working capital in year t-1. MB is market to book ratio at end of fiscal year t, where book value of equity excludes the revaluation balance. ASSETS is the log of book value total asset, excluding the revaluation balance, at end of year t. One, two, and three years ahead refer to operating income or cash from operations in year t+1, t+2, and t+3 minus operating income or cash from operations in year t. All variables, except for MB and ASSETS, are deflated by market value of equity at the beginning of year t. The regression equations include untabulated year-specific intercepts. * Significant at the .05 level. *** Significant at the .001 level. RR1 is the net increment to the revaluation balance from revaluations to fixed assets in year t, i.e., current year revaluations scaled by market value of t-1. LEVERAGE is debt-equity ratio at the end of fiscal year t where book value of equity excludes the revaluation balance. )OPINC is operating income before depreciation, interest, taxes, and gains on assets in year t minus operating income in year t-1. )WC is working capital in year t minus working capital in year t-1. MB is market to book ratio at the end of fiscal year t, where book value of equity excludes the revaluation balance. ASSETS is the log of book value total asset, excluding the revaluation balance, at end of year t. One, two, and three years ahead refer to operating income or cash from operations in year t+1, t+2, and t+3 minus operating income or cash from operations in year t. All variables, except for MB and ASSETS, are deflated by market value of equity at the beginning of year t. * Significant at the .05 level. *** Significant at the .001 level. RR1_SM is the net increment to the revaluation balance from revaluations to fixed assets in year t, i.e., current year revaluations scaled by market value of t-1 for small firms. RR1_LG is the net increment to the revaluation balance from revaluations to fixed assets in year t, i.e., current year revaluations...