Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens rehabilitation efforts in Lake Superior are guided by a rehabilitation plan that sets goals and criteria for a self-sustaining population, including a minimum of 1,500 mature adults, roughly equal sex ratio, and annual exploitation rates < 5%. The Bad and White rivers, Wisconsin host a genetically unique Lake Sturgeon population that is utilized by state-licensed recreational anglers and tribal subsistence fishers. Our objectives were to 1) determine if the Bad River population meets rehabilitation plan targets for a self-sustaining population, 2) assess harvest of Lake Sturgeon by recreational anglers and tribal subsistence fishers for compatibility with rehabilitation goals, 3) determine population trajectory from annual spawning runs, and 4) describe population demographics given the unique physical features of Lake Superior. We sampled Lake Sturgeon in the Bad and White rivers with gill nets over a 17-y period (2001 to 2017). The observed sex ratio in spawning runs was 2.2:1 (male : female), but calculated at 1.6:1 for the entire adult population on the basis of abundance estimates. Weight–length relationships converted to a standardized modified form factor indicated lower condition and possibly lower female fecundity compared with other large North American populations. Annual spawning run size estimates over time indicated that the population trajectory was stable to slightly increasing, and during 2016 was 739 and 241 individuals in the Bad and White rivers, respectively. Total population size (including nonspawners) exceeded 1,500 individuals, which met Lake Superior rehabilitation criteria for a self-sustaining population. Estimates of 1,426 males and 882 females were considered conservative because 472 unknown-sex fish could not be accounted for in return time and abundance models. Spawning return times were 2 or 3 y for males and 4 to 6 y for females, longer than many other populations. Exploitation by recreational anglers and tribal subsistence fishers was 1.3% or lower and met the rehabilitation plan target of < 5%, but we recommend exploitation not exceed 3.1% to maintain a self-sustaining population. These findings help gauge rehabilitation progress in Lake Superior and better describe the demographics of a remnant self-sustaining Lake Sturgeon population in Lake Superior.