We have obtained the resonance Raman spectrum of bacteriorhodopsin's primary photoproduct K with a novel low-temperature spinning sample technique. Purple membrane at 77 K is illuminated with spatially separated actinic (pump) and probe laser beams. The 514-nm pump beam produces a photostationary steady-state mixture of bacteriorhodopsin and K. This mixture is then rotated through the red (676 nm) probe beam, which selectively enhances the Raman scattering from K. The essential advantage of our successive pump-and-probe technique is that it prevents the fluorescence excited by the pump beam from masldng the red probe Raman scattering. K exhibits strong Raman lines at 1516, 1294, 1194, 1012, 957, and 811 cm-'. The effects of C15 deuteration on K's fingerprint lines correlate well with those seen in 13-cis model compounds, indicating that K has a 13-cis chromophore. However, the presence of unusually strong "lowwavenumber" lines at 811 and 957 cm-, attributable to hydrogen out-of-plane wags, indicates that the protein holds the chromophore in a distorted conformation after trans-*cis isomerization. Bacteriorhodopsin (BR), the major component of the purple membrane found in Halobacterium halobium, is a retinal-containing protein that acts as a solar energy converter (1, 2). Absorption of light by retinal in light-adapted BR drives the pigment through a proton-pumping photocycle that stores energy for ATP synthesis as a trans-membrane proton gradient (3,4). In order to understand the mechanism of this light-driven proton pump, we have been studying the structure of the parent BR molecule and its photoproducts ( Fig. 1) with resonance Raman spectroscopy.Raman spectra provide detailed vibrational information about chromophore structure (5-8) that is particularly useful when aided by selective isotopic modification ofretinal because these substitutions permit unambiguous characterization of the molecular vibrations. For example, we have recently shown that the 15-deuterio-induced changes in the 1100-1300 cm-' fingerprint vibrations ofthe chromophore provide a clear criterion for distinguishing between the 13-cis and all-trans configurations even in the presence ofprotein perturbations (9). We have used this method to show that the M412 intermediate contains a 13-cis retinal chromophore, whereas the parent BR chromophore is all-trans, in agreement with the most recent chromophore extraction results (10,11).This in situ demonstration of a trans--cis isomerization during proton pumping has focused our attention on K, the primary photoproduct in the proton-pumping cycle. Arguments based on analogies between the photochemical behavior of rhodopsin and BR (12), when coupled with the Raman and extraction results on M412 (7-11), suggest that the primary photochemical