Demyshev, V. V. Knysh, and N. V. Inyushina UDC 551.465 The seasonal climatic circulation of the sea reconstructed on the basis of assimilation of new arrays of many-year average hydrological data in a model is analyzed. Five layers are discovered in the structure of climatic currents in the sea in depth: the surface Ekman layer (& 10 m), a layer with small vertical gradients of the kinetic energy (& 10-60 m), a layer with relatively high vertical gradients of the kinetic energy (& 60-150 m), a layer with gradual decrease in the kinetic energy and intensification (from 250-350 m) of the east cyclonic gyre and Batumi anticyclonic eddy (& 150-1000 m), and an abyssal layer characterized by an almost barotropic velocity (& 1000-2000 m).The specific features of the seasonal evolution of currents at these depths are investigated. It is shown that the key role in the formation of deep-water circulation of the sea is played by the south east flow, east cyclonic gyre, and Batumi anticyclonic eddy.Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol.