The purpose of this study was to determine whether fear of re-injury is manifested in joint kinematics and muscle activation patterns during landings of a standardized rebound side-hop (SRSH), or in patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), among individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR).
In this cross-sectional observational study, 38 individuals within 2 years post-ACLR were grouped into HIGH-FEAR (n = 21, median 11.2 months post-surgery) or LOW-FEAR (n = 17, median 10.1 months post-surgery) based on a discriminating question (Q9; Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-17). These individuals and 39 asymptomatic controls performed the SRSH. Three-dimensional motion recordings were used to calculate trunk, hip, and knee joint angles at initial contact, and range of respective joint motion during landing. Surface electromyography registered mean amplitudes and co-contraction indexes for thigh muscles during pre-activation (50 ms) and landing phases. PROMs of knee function, knee health, and physical activity were also analyzed.
The HIGH-FEAR and LOW-FEAR classification was corroborated by distinct Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-17 total and subscale scores and revealed distinguishable muscle activation patterns. HIGH-FEAR demonstrated higher biceps femoris electromyography amplitude and higher anterior-posterior co-contraction index during landing than both LOW-FEAR and controls. However, there were no fear-related differences for kinematics or PROMs. Instead, both ACLR subgroups showed different kinematics at initial contact to controls; HIGH-FEAR with more trunk, hip, and knee flexion, and LOW-FEAR with more hip and knee flexion.
Individuals with ACLR who had high fear of re-injury seem to have adopted a protective strategy with higher muscular activation patterns, presumably to stabilize the knee joint, compared to individuals with low fear of re-injury and controls. SRSH landing kinematics or knee-related PROMs may not be as sensitive to fear of re-injury.
Fear of reinjury following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury should be evaluated as an independent psychological outcome throughout rehabilitation after ACLR for improved return to sport transition.
Lay Summary
If you have an ACL injury treated with reconstructive surgery, you might have a high fear of reinjury, and that can change how you activate the muscles around your knee. Your physical therapist can do a simple screening test in addition to functional tests to help reduce your fear and improve your treatment outcomes.