“…We found no significant differences in age between the three groups ( 2 (2)=2.85, p=0.24; left TLE/right TLE/control), nor were there differences in sex ( 2 (2)=2.57, p=0.28). However, there were differences in education (F(2,86)=12.83, p=0.000013) due to higher levels of education in controls than both patient groups (control vs left TLE: W=524.5, p=0.000082, MedianDiff=3, CI [2][3][4][5]; control vs right TLE: t(50)=4.33, p=0.000073, CI [1.95-5.33]). Years of education between the left and right TLE groups was not reliably different W=669.5, p=0.81, MedianDiff=0.00002, CI[-1-1]), nor was age of onset (W=558, p=0.32, MedianDiff=-3, CI[-11-3]).…”