Background: The effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy
(CRT) on the risk of ventricular arrhythmias is controversial. Several
studies reported a decreased risk, but some studies reported a potential
proarrhythmic effect of epicardial left ventricular pacing resolved upon
discontinuation of biventricular pacing (BiVp). Case Summary: A
67-years old woman with a history of heart failure due to non-ischemic
cardiomyopathy and left bundle brunch block was hospitalized for CRT
device implantation. Unpredictably, as soon as the leads have been
connected to the generator, electrical storm (ES) occurred with
relapsing self-resolving polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PVT)
triggered by ventricular extra beats with short-long-short sequence. The
ES was resolved without interrupting BiVp switching to unipolar left
ventricular (LV) pacing. This allowed to keep CRT active with extreme
clinical benefit for the patient and to demonstrate that the cause of
the PVT was the anodic capture of bipolar LV stimulation. Reverse
electrical remodeling was also demonstrated after 3 months of effective
BiVp. Discussion: Proarrhythmic effect of CRT is a rare but
significant complication of CRT, and it may compel to discontinue the
BiVp. The reversal of the physiological transmural activation sequence
of epicardial LV pacing and subsequent prolonging of corrected QT
interval have been speculated as the most probable explanation, but our
case highlights the possibility that the anodic capture may play a
relevant role in PVT genesis.