Based on a century of medical discoveries, we propose a methodology of using lifestyle interventions and proactive body temperature management protocol as prevention and cure for COVID-19 disease. We produce robust evidence to show that lifestyle interventions have a 100% “expected response rate”, with a curative power being one to three orders of magnitude larger than that of a single lifestyle factor determined by clinical trials and can deliver immediate benefits to long-term curative benefits. On basis of a large number of studies, we propose that the local blood flow along the inner surface of the respiratory track works like an anti-viral shield, which is capable of robustly prevent and terminate viral and other infections. Breathing cold temperature from 26 °C to a frigid temperature can dramatically reduce local temperatures along the track and thus cripples the protective shield by reducing local blood flow to as little as 3-10%. A proactive body temperature management protocol (PBTM or PRTPM), which comprises pre-exposure, during-exposure, and post-exposure measures, are capable of boosting innate immune functions, anti-viral defenses, and vital organ functions. We estimate that pre-exposure and during-exposure measures can reduce temperature drops along the tract by 5°C to 20 °C, and that a series of post-exposure measures can increase local blood flow rates along the track by 2 to 20 times. The proposed measures can completely restore the anti-viral shield. All kinds epidemiological data support our estimated curative power that the protocol can prevent 90% to 97% infection incidences and deaths. We show that the protocol is even more powerful than vaccine, and maintaining a reasonable local temperature along the respiratory track is a required condition for delivering and boosting vaccine’s protection.Current medical researches have excluded temperature and air as treatments in all on-going clinical trials. This misplaced priority is an inevitable result of the financial arrangement of all parties in medicine. Such financial arrangement provides too much incentive for medicalization, the key elements of which include finding revenue-making treatments, producing good data for promoting the treatments, and finding more patients for using treatments. Since lifestyle interventions and proactive body temperature management protocol cannot be studied by flawed research model and cannot be patented for monopoly, no entity has incentives to explore their extraordinary benefits. We also found that the reason of failure to contain the COVID-19 pandemic is same as failure to find cures for cancer and AIDS. Several studies imply that best solutions for cancer, AIDS and all chronic diseases are not revenue-generating medical treatments, but things that cannot sold for revenues and things that are born and carried in human genome. Based on a century of medical discoveries in disease causes, we propose for the federal government that the most cost-effective measures are finding and eliminating a large number of disease causes hidden in food production lines, family kitchens, cooking culture, personal cooking habits, home appliances, etc. This is the only way to root out causes for more than 90% chronic diseases incidences.