CKD is highly prevalent in the U.S. and throughout the world,1 with approximately 13% of adults affected.2 In addition, according to recent estimates, almost half of patients with CKD stage 3-5 are 70 years of age or older.2 In the United States, the number of prevalent ESRD cases continues to rise in patients aged over 65. In light of the demographic characteristics of patients with CKD and ESRD, there has been considerable focus on associations between CKD and cardiovascular outcomes.3 Until recently, less attention had been paid to other consequences of CKD in general and among older individuals with CKD in particular, but there is now solid evidence linking CKD with impairments of physical function, cognitive function, and emotional function and quality of life. This review will summarize available literature on these topics, focusing specifically on physical functioning and frailty; cognitive function; emotional health, including depression and anxiety; and health-related quality of life.