We report on the creation of heterospecies bosonic molecules, associated from an ultracold BoseBose mixture of 41 K and 87 Rb, by using a resonantly modulated magnetic field close to two Feshbach resonances. We measure the binding energy of the weakly bound molecular states versus the Feshbach field and compare our results to theoretical predictions. We observe the broadening and asymmetry of the association spectrum due to thermal distribution of the atoms, and a frequency shift occurring when the binding energy depends nonlinearly on the Feshbach field. A simple model is developed to quantitatively describe the association process. Our work marks an important step forward in the experimental route towards Bose-Einstein condensates of dipolar molecules.PACS numbers: 34.20. Cf, Ultracold polar molecules hold the promise of a revolution in the domain of quantum degenerate gases and precision measurements. Degenerate molecules are sought primarily to produce a gas with strong long-range interactions, stemming from the coupling of electric dipole moments that heterospecies dimers feature. Such molecules would create strongly correlated systems with a wealth of quantum phases [1], provide candidate qubits [2,3], allow for a new generation of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) [4], and help in the search of the electron dipole moment [5]. Starting from ultracold atoms, molecules have been successfully created following two different approaches: photoassociation [6] and magnetoassociation [7], but few experiments have hitherto reported the production of Feshbach heteronuclear dimers. Two groups have reported the creation of fermionic KRb molecules [8,9], while the only bosonic dimer so far associated is 85 Rb 87 Rb [10], which can not be dipolar since the constituents share the same electronic configuration. Heterospecies bosonic dimers, i.e., the constituents of the dipolar BEC envisioned in Ref. [4], have instead eluded experimental realization so far.A Bose-Bose mixture is particularly suitable to associate such dimers due to the high phase-space densities achievable, while the atom-dimer relaxation, which limits the lifetime of the molecules, can be strongly suppressed in optical lattices with a single atom pair per lattice site [11]. Recent progresses in molecular stabilization schemes [12] make the Bose-Bose 41 K 87 Rb mixture truly promising for the experimental observation of BECs of dipolar molecules. Following a different route, other experiments have very recently obtained ultracold heterospecies Fermi-Fermi mixtures [13,14] that also can provide a way to compound bosonic dimers.In this Letter, we report on the production of heterospecies 41 K 87 Rb bosonic molecules starting from an ultracold mixture. In proximity of Feshbach resonances (FR's) at moderate magnetic fields, by adding a modulation to the Feshbach field [15], we have converted up to 12 000 41 K 87 Rb pairs into dimers, i.e., 40% of the minority 41 K atoms, at temperatures between 200 and 600 nK. We estimate the molecular lifetime to be a...