Traffic noise and air pollution are 2 major environmental health risk factors in urbanized societies that often occur together. Despite cooccurrence in urban settings, noise and air pollution have generally been studied independently, with many studies reporting a consistent effect on blood pressure for individual exposures. In the present reviews, we will discuss the epidemiology of air pollution and noise effects on arterial hypertension and cardiovascular disease (part I) and the underlying pathophysiology (part II). Both environmental stressors have been found to cause endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vascular inflammation, circadian dysfunction, and activation of the autonomic nervous system, thereby facilitating the development of hypertension. We also discuss the effects of interventions, current gaps in knowledge, and future research tasks. From a societal and policy perspective, the health effects of both air pollution and traffic noise are observed well below the current guideline recommendations. To this end, an important goal for the future is to increase the acceptance of environmental risk factors as important modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, given their substantial impact on the burden of cardiovascular disease.