The accessibility of the heme and solvent-exchange dynamics in solutions of soybean ferric leghemoglobin a and several of its complexes have been determined by measurement of the relaxation rates of water, acetone, and methanol protons. Acetone and methanol were used at low concentrations as probes of outer-sphere and inner-sphere exchange processes, respectively. Water proton relaxation in solutions of ferric leghemoglobin is exchanged limited. The rate of exchange of water molecules or protons from the environment of the heme is greater than that for ferric myoglobin and ferric hemoglobin. Methanol binds to ferric leghemoglobin in a homogeneous first-order reaction and in competition with fluoride, a known iron ligand. Both optical and NMR measurements indicate binding of methanol to the sixth coordination position of the iron atom. Methanol proton relaxation by both ferric leghemoglobin and whale ferric myoglobin is w t e r proton relaxation enhancement (PRE)' measurements in solutions of ferric heme proteins have been widely used to probe the immediate environment of the heme and its accessibility to solvent molecules. Interpretation of the data is complex, however, since relaxation of protons of the bulk solvent may arise from inner-sphere (exchange of water molecules or protons from the coordination sphere of the ferric ion) or outer-sphere (exchange of noncoordinated water molecules or protons from the vicinity of the metal ion) exchange processes. A stereochemical marker method, in which the relaxation of the aliphatic protons of alcohols in the heme protein solutions is measured, has been proposed to distinguish between these relaxation mechanisms (Vuk-PavloviE et al., 1974). However, at the high concentrations of alcohols used by these workers there is considerable risk of conformational perturbation of the protein. Our own unpublished experiments show many heme proteins to be sensitive to the presence of even moderate concentrations of organic solvents. Binding of methanol and ethanol to ferric myoglobin and ferric hemoglobin has recently been reported (Brill et al., 1976). Reactions of peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide or cyanide are inhibited by ethanol, and it has been suggested that this alcohol binds to the sixth coordination position of the heme (Dunford & Hewson, 1977). In view of the evidence for interactions between alcohols and heme proteins, we have used a modification of the stereochemical marker method (Vuk-PavloviE et al., 1974) together with conventional water PRE measurements in studies of proton relaxation in solutions of heme proteins. The present method differs from the stereochemical marker method in that only low, nonperturbing concentrations of the