Phosphatidylinositol kinase (PI), phosphatidylinositol monophosphate (PIP) kinase, and diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase activities were detected in the cytoskeletal fraction isolated from microsomes and plasma membranes of carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells grown in suspension culture. The lipid kinase activities were associated with the actin filament fraction (F-actin fraction) isolated from the cytoskeleton. The PI and PIP kinase activity in the F-actin fraction significantly increased after cells were treated with Driselase, a mixture of cell wall-degrading enzymes; however, the DAG kinase activity in the F-actin fraction was unaffected by the Driselase treatment. These data indicate that at least one form of Pi, PIP, and DAG kinase preferentially associates with actin filaments and/ or actin binding proteins and that cytoskeletal-associated Pi and PIP kinase activities can change in response to external stimulation.The inositol phospholipids PIP2 and PIP2 play important roles in signal transduction (2,6,9,17). The enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of these lipids, i.e. PI 4-kinase and PI 4-monophosphate 5-kinase, have been found to exist in the plasma membrane (5, 22), cytosol (19), and nucleus (13) of plant cells. In addition to being the source of second messengers, PIP and PIP2 may be involved in regulating the organization of the cytoskeleton (12,14,16,23,25,26).It has been demonstrated in animal cells that the enzymes involved in phosphoinositide metabolism, i.e. PI, PIP, and DAG kinase activities, also are associated with the actin '