Brown fat research concentrates on the energy expenditure function of this heating organ, whereas previous evidence for a role of brown fat in regulating energy intake has been mostly neglected. Ingestion of a single mixed meal activates human brown fat thermogenesis to the same degree as cold. In mice, activation of brown fat thermogenesis with a 3-adrenergic receptor agonist inhibits food intake. Pharmacological-blockade, however, inhibits neither mealassociated thermogenesis nor food intake. We recently identified the gut hormone secretin as a non-adrenergic activator of brown fat. In vivo, secretin treatment acutely increases energy expenditure and inhibits food intake in wild-type, but not in uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)knockout (KO) mice, which lack thermogenic brown fat function. Concurrently, secretin alters gene expression of melanocortinergic peptides of hypothalamic neurons in wild-type mice, but not UCP1-KO. Blocking endogenous secretin with a neutralizing antibody attenuates brown fat thermogenesis during refeeding, increases food intake of mice, and alters ad libitum feeding behaviour. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that secretin triggers an endocrine gutbrown adipose tissue-brain axis in the control of satiation. We hypothesize that meal-associated activation of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis induced by secretin results in a rise in brain temperature and increased melanocortinergic signalling. Taken together, brown fat is not a mere heating organ dissipating excess calories but also involved in gut-brain communication in the control of food intake.