Uvod: Koronarna arterijska bolest (CAD) jedno je od najrasprostranjenijih hroni~nih oboljenja. Vitamin D-vezuju}i protein (VDBP) i njegovi genetski polimorfizmi predo~eni su kao podlo`ne komponente za CAD. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita povezanost izme|u polimorfizama pojedina~nih nukleotida (SNPs) proteina VDBP -rs7041 i rs4588 i podlo` -nosti CAD u populaciji Iranaca. Metode: Ukupno 143 mu{karca sa CAD i 145 zdravih kontrolnih ispitanika odgovaraju}eg uzrasta i pola podvrgnuto je genotipizaciji za polimorfizme -rs7041 i rs4588 pomo}u metode lan~ane reakcije polimeraze odnosno polimorfizama du`ine restrikcionih fragmenata (PCR-RFLP). Nivo 25(OH)D u serumu odre|en je pomo}u kolorimetrijskog enzimskog imunoeseja na mikroplo~i. Rezultati: Otkrili smo zna~ajnu povezanost izme|u genotipa GG (rs7041) i CAD (p=0,02, OR=0,537 95% CI=0,306-0,944). [to se ti~e polimorfizma rs4588, uo~ena je zna~ajna razlika, pri ~emu su genotip CA (P=0,00032, OR=2,578,
SummaryBackground: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the most widespread non-communicable diseases. Vitamin Dbinding protein (VDBP) and its genetic poly morphisms have been highlighted as the susceptible components for CAD. The aim of the present study was to examine the association of VDBP single nucleotide poly morphisms (SNPs) -rs7041 and rs4588 -with CAD susceptibility among the Iranian population. Methods: A total of 143 men with CAD and 145 healthy age-sex matched controls underwent genotyping for thers7041 and rs4588 polymorphisms using the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Serum level of 25(OH)D was assayed using microplate colorimetric enzyme immunoassay. Results: We found a significant association between GG genotype (rs7041) and CAD (p=0.02, OR=0.537 95% CI =0.306-0.944). Regarding rs4588 polymorphism, a significant difference was observed in which the CA genotype