Primary brain tumors comprise 28% of all tumors and 80% of malignant tumors. Pathophysiology of high-grade gliomas includes significant distortion of white matter architecture, necrosis, the breakdown of the blood brain barrier, and increased intracranial pressure. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a diffusion weighted imaging technique, can be used to assess white matter architecture. Use of DTI as a non-invasive pathophysiological tool to analyze glioma impact on white matter microstructure has yet to be fully explored.Preliminary assessment of DTI tractography was done as a measure of intracranial tumor impact on white matter architecture. Specifically, we addressed three questions: 1) whether glioma differentially affects local white matter structure compared to metastasis, 2) whether glioma affects tract integrity of major white matter bundles, 3) whether glioma lobe localization affects tract integrity of different white matter bundles.In this study, we retrospectively investigated preoperative DTI scans from 24 patients undergoing tumor resection. Fiber tractography was estimated using a deterministic fiber tracking algorithm in DSI (diffusion spectrum imaging) Studio. The automatic anatomical labeling (AAL) atlas was used to define the left and right (L/R) hemisphere regions of interest (ROI). In addition, the John Hopkins University (JHU) White Matter Atlas was used to auto-segment major white matter bundle ROIs. For all tracts derived from ROI seed targets, we computed the following parameters: tract number, tract length, fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), and radial diffusivity (RD).The DTI tractography analysis revealed that white matter integrity in the hemisphere ipsilateral to intracranial tumor was significantly compromised compared to the control contralateral hemisphere. No differences were observed between high vs low-grade gliomas, however, gliomas induced significantly greater white matter degradation than metastases. In addition, targeted analysis of major white matter bundles important for sensory/motor function (i.e., corticospinal tract and superior longitudinal fasciculus) revealed tract-parameter specific susceptibility due to the presence of the tumor. Finally, major tract bundles were differentially affected based on lobar localization of the glioma.These DTI-based tractographic analyses complement findings from gross histopathological examination of glioma impact on neural tissue. Global and focal white matter architecture, ipsilateral to glioma, shows higher rates of degradation or edema – based on DTI tractographic metrics – in comparison to normal brain or metastases. Gliomas, which arise in the parietal lobe, also have a higher negative impact (potentially due to increased edema) on white matter integrity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus(SLF) than those which arise in the frontal lobe. Future studies will focus on using preoperative and postoperative tractography to predict functional deficits following resective surgery.