“…Some studies find a protective effect (Richman et al, 2013; Kulis, Marsiglia, Kopak, Olmsted, & Crossman, 2012), while others find that higher levels of ethnic identity lead to higher levels of substance use (Zamboanga, Schwartz, Jarvis, & Van Tyne, 2009). Mixed findings among Latino youth may be due to the heterogeneity of backgrounds comprised within the label of “Latino,” such that Latino populations are almost exclusively lumped into one pan-ethnic category, although evidence suggests differences in both the prevalence of substance use (Carlton-Smith & Skeer, 2015; Unger, Thing, Soto, & Baezconde-Garbanati, 2014) and level of acculturation and ethnic identity (Carlton-Smith & Skeer, 2015; Choi, Sakamoto, & Powers, 2008; Guilamo-Ramos, Jaccard, Johansson, & Turrisi, 2004) between Latino subgroups.…”