Aim: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy. In this study, risk factors of severe CTS were examined.
This study was conducted on 227 patients who were diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrom in EMG laboratuary of Çukurova State Hospital. The criteria of American Academy of Electrodiagnostic Medicine was used as the diagnosis for CTS. All patients were examined for bilateral median and ulnar motor and sensory peak latency,, amplitude and conduction velocities. The patients were classified into 4 groups electrophysiologically; Normal, Light, Medium, Severe. Electrophysiological classification was compared with the identified risk factors.
Results: The mean age of our patients in the study was 51.04±13.37 (min=18-max=83). It was found that severe CTS cases in both right and left hands were higher in housewives, and being a housewife increased the risk of severe CTS in the right and left hand by 2.74 and 2.23 times, respectively. In addition, obesity increased the risk of severe CTS in the right and left hand by 5.10-4.40 , presence of lateral epicondylitis was 2.73-4.19 and medial epicondylitis was 4.39-4.93, respectively. Hand dominancy was increased the risk of severe CTS by 6.88 times for the left hand and 1.15 times for the right hand.
Conclusions: This study put forth that being a housewife, obesity, dominant hand, presence of lateral or medial epicondylitis are the risk factors of severe CTS.