Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disease from the spectrum of movement disorders, the prevalence of which increases significantly during pregnancy and is associated with poor sleep, a drop in daytime energy, and the development of psychological disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
The IRLSS scale was used to determine the presence of RLS symptoms. The total test sample that included the tested and control groups was (n=390) subjects. The examined group consisted of pregnant women (n=260), and the control group consisted of female students (n=130). In total, 260 pregnant women were monitored 6 months after pregnancy. Three measurements were performed, first in the third trimester of pregnancy, second two months after delivery, third 6 months after delivery, while one cross-sectional measurement was performed for the control group.
The prevalence of RLS in pregnancy is highest in the third trimester and amounts to 26.5 %. In the postpartum period, a significant decrease in the prevalence of RLS was observed, measured two months after delivery (18.1 %). Postpartum, over time, a decrease in the prevalence of RLS was noticed, and six months after delivery it was (7.3 %), when it practically approached the prevalence of the control group (standard population) which was (6.2 %).
The prevalence of RLS is highest during the third trimester of pregnancy and decreases after delivery so that 6 months after delivery it approaches the prevalence of the standard population.