Any study of the dynamics of the natural planetary satellites requires as many astrometric
observations as possible. This type of work is partially made by each astronomer starting this type
of study but it has never been done for all the natural planetary systems. The goal of our work is to build a database of all available astrometric observations along with
all the information needed for an efficient use of these data so that the astronomers interested in
the dynamics of planetary satellites do not have to repeat the search for these data. To do this, we sought and carefully read all the publications containing observational data,
so that we are able to include the astrometric positions of satellites, the reference frame used by the observer, the
corrections and reductions made, and timescale. Direct contact with observers was sometimes necessary to obtain raw unpublished data. A new database containing about 90 <!PCT!> of all the observations that are useful for studying the dynamics
of the planetary satellites is now available for the interested community of astronomers.