The subjective experience of stress leads to reproductive dysfunction in many species, including rodents and humans. Stress effects on reproduction result from multilevel interactions between the hormonal stress response system, i.e., the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and the hormonal reproductive system, i.e., the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. A novel negative regulator of the HPG axis known as gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) was recently discovered in quail, and orthologous neuropeptides known as RFamide-related peptides (RFRPs) have also been identified in rodents and primates. It is currently unknown, however, whether GnIH/RFRPs influence HPG axis activity in response to stress. We show here that both acute and chronic immobilization stress lead to an up-regulation of RFRP expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) of adult male rats and that this increase in RFRP is associated with inhibition of downstream HPG activity. We also show that adrenalectomy blocks the stress-induced increase in RFRP expression. Immunohistochemistry revealed that 53% of RFRP cells express receptors for glucocorticoids (GCs), indicating that adrenal GCs can mediate the stress effect through direct action on RFRP cells. It is thought that stress effects on central control of reproduction are largely mediated by direct or indirect effects on GnRH-secreting neurons. Our data show that stress-induced increases in adrenal GCs cause an increase in RFRP that contributes to hypothalamic suppression of reproductive function. This novel insight into HPA-HPG interaction provides a paradigm shift for work on stress-related reproductive dysfunction and infertility, and indicates that future work on stress and reproductive system interactions must include investigation of the role of GnIH/RFRP.GnIH ͉ reproduction ͉ RFRP S tress has acute and chronic effects on many aspects of vertebrate physiology and behavior. Reproduction is a key life-history component that is often adversely affected by physical and psychological stressors. The negative impact of stress occurs at several levels of the vertebrate hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. Centrally, it leads to activation of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, which in turn leads to suppression of HPG activity through inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion (1, 2). Downstream of GnRH, the functional effects of stress on reproduction can be seen with suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH) release from the pituitary (3, 4) and suppression of sexual behavior (5, 6). The stress effect on HPG function appears to be mediated by the adrenal stress hormones glucocorticoids (GCs). In male mammals, systemic GC administration inhibits circulating gonadotropin levels (7), decreases seminal vesicle weight, and results in fewer implantation sites and viable fetuses in female mates (8). However, hypothalamic corticotropinreleasing hormone (CRH) has also been strongly implicated in stress effects on reproduction (2, 9, 10).Gonadotropin i...