out multiple frequency bands according to the requirement in different situations. Compared with conventional UWB antennas etched with a quarter-wavelength slot for generating notch frequency bands [6, 15], the average diameter of SRRs are much smaller, as about one-tenth of the resonant wavelength. Thus though multiple SRRs etched in the UWB antenna, the proposed antenna still keeps a compact dimension. As a practical example, an optimized antenna with a small size of 33 mm ϫ28 mm etched with two SRRs has been designed and fabricated, and the measured results agree well with the simulation. This antenna has two notch frequency bands centered at 3.65 and 5.75 GHz while retaining an ultra-wide bandwidth from 2.4 to 10.1 GHz, which covers the entire frequency band for most commercial communication systems. This new type of UWB antenna can be utilized for various applications where compact size, low profile and multiple band rejections are required. band-notched planar monopole antenna for multiband wireless systems, IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon Lett 15 (2005), 576-578. 9. V.G. Veselago, The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of and , Soviet Physical Uspekhi 10