P2P network is one of the most extensive network frameworks for wireless sensor network (WSN) in Internet of Things (IoT). The peers in WSN are rational and often free ride to save power of electricity and calculation, due to the fact that the usability is of great variability and unpredictability. Such a phenomenon tremendously reduces the quality of service (QoS) in WSN. Rational exchange protocol aims at promoting QoS and guaranteeing security and fairness. However, existing schemes have taken only complete information into account, which is not up to realistic environment. The peers in realistic environment indeed possess incomplete information, which is, however, still not thoroughly investigated so far. In this paper, under asymmetric information (a typical incomplete information), an entropy based incentive model is well designed based on Markov model and QoS evaluation model to help peers cooperate in WSNs. A concrete utility function with entropy is constructed to evaluate decision utility in P2P network. Finally, an entropy based rational exchange protocol is proposed based on the presented incentive model and concrete utility function, with analysis of correctness, security, fairness, and robustness, respectively. The proposed protocol can facilitate rational peers positively and sensibly participating in services and prevent free riding for rational peers. Hence, it further promotes QoS and guarantees security and fairness simultaneously in WSNs.