In this work, we improve the ability to tailor the switching mechanism in nanomagnets by introducing an additional, highly controlled source of anisotropy: magnetocrystalline anisotropy. We analyze the vortex dynamics in single crystal Fe nanotriangles with different orientations of the crystalline axes. By experimental studies and simulation, we show that the angular dependence of the vortex annihilation field springs from the convolution of the crystalline and configurational anisotropies. In contrast, the remanence and the nucleation field present a much simpler behavior controlled by the existence of a single symmetry axis when shape and crystalline orientation are taken into account. Magnetic nanostructures have become a highly active research area due to their unique physical behavior and to their relevance in established and emerging technological fields such as spintronics, magnonics, magnetic storage, nanobiomagnetism, and high frequency and superconducting devices.1-7 A key issue in tailoring the hysteresis processes of magnetic nanostructures lies in the control of the different anisotropy energy contributions and their corresponding effective fields. 8,9 One of the main energy contributions in magnetic nanodots is due to the internal dipolar (demagnetizing) fields. These give rise to the so-called configurational anisotropy, [10][11][12] which is related to the geometry of the dots. The reduction of the large dipolar fields for dots in the range between the single and multidomain regime is accomplished through the formation closed-flux structures called vortices. [13][14][15][16][17] The hysteresis of vortex dynamics is characterized by two large magnetization jumps associated with the nucleation and annihilation of the vortices, respectively, and very low remanence due to their closed flux structure.10 Vortices nucleate at the dot edges upon decreasing the applied field from saturation at a field value called nucleation field H n . They traverse the dot when the applied field is reversed and they are finally expelled when the annihilation field H ann is reached.18-20 Vortex dynamics can be controlled using different strategies. As an example, the nucleation and annihilation sites can be selected and their corresponding nucleation and annihilation fields can be tuned by choosing the geometry of the dots in combination with the orientation of the applied field.19-25 Most studies have emphasized the relevance of the dipolar fields in controlling the hysteresis of dots. So far we know, the role of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) has not been usually considered since most of the experimental studies in the literature deal with dots patterned on Permalloy 14,15,18,23 (low MAE) or on isotropic polycrystalline films 16,22,25 (no preferential crystalline orientation). However, MAE might become a major factor in the magnetization mechanisms of single crystal dots and, in fact, theoretical calculations indicate that it strongly affects the hysteresis parameters.
26In this paper, we present an ex...