Theoretical studies predicted the planar cyclopenten-4-yl cation to be aclassical carbocation, and the highest-energy isomer of C 5 H 7 + .H ence,i ts existence has not been verified experimentally so far.W ew ere now able to isolate two stable derivatives of the cyclopenten-4-yl cation by reaction of bulky alanes Cp R AlBr 2 with AlBr 3 .E lucidation of their (electronic) structures by X-raydiffraction and quantum chemistry studies revealed planar geometries and strong hyperconjugation interactions primarily from the CÀAl s bonds to the empty p orbital of the cationic sp 2 carbon center.Aclose inspection of the molecular orbitals (MOs) and of the anisotropyofcurrent (induced) density (ACID), as well as the evaluation of various aromaticity descriptors indicated distinct aromaticity for these cyclopenten-4-yl derivatives,w hich strongly contrasts the classical description of this system. Here,strong delocalization of p electrons spanning the whole carbocycle has been verified, thus providing rare examples of p aromaticity involving saturated sp 3 carbon atoms.