Asymmetric anionic homopolymerizations of achiral N-substituted citraconimide (RCI, N-substituent: R = n-propyl (n-PrCI), n-butyl (n-BuCI), cyclohexyl (CHCI), phenyl (PhCI), benzyl (BzCI), 1-naphthyl (NCI), 4-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl (ECPCI), and a-methylbenzyl (MBzCI)) were performed with the chiral ligand-organometal complex in toluene or tetrahydrofuran (THF). The obtained oligo(RCI)s had very low molecular weights and relatively narrow polydispersity. The oligomers showed specific rotation ([ a ];~5 + 79.2° to-40.3°). Asymmetric induction took place on the polymer main chain and was confirmed by circular dichroism (CD) and GPC analysis using UV and polarimetric detectors.