This work is dedicated to all mothers, heroines in their homes, fighters for their families and their children. To the mothers who multiply themselves in daily activities, who build inexplicable relationships of affection, which are the basis of their home, but who never stop dreaming, believing that they are capable of, in addition to the glory of motherhood, still realizing personal dreams and desires to collaborate. I do thank my family, specially my husband Renato and my kids Rebecca and Giovani, for the support and for understanding the absent hours. My thanks for my mother Neusa that ever inspired me with her strength for living. I also thank to MSc. Giulia Paiva, from UFMG, for sharing her experience, work and knowledge without what this work could not be done. A special thank for Professor Dr.José Augusto Baranauskas, for all orientation and corrections that improved my work and comprehension. I would also like to thank Professor Dr.Vitor Geraldi Haase, from UFMG, for leading me to Giulia, becoming possible the partnership for this work, and therefore for all background transferred by publications I have read. Futhermore, I would like to thank Professor Dr. Galera from Psicobiology Departament -USP, who was responsible to connect me to UFMG colleagues. I kindly thank for docent group from DCM -USP who taught and lead me to new concepts and a whole new world of opportunities. I also thanks for all staff support.