For a group G of finite Kurosh rank and for some arbiratily free product decomposition of G, G = H 1 * H 2 * ... * H r * F q , where F q is a finitely generated free group, we can associate some (relative) outer space O(G, {H 1 , ..., H r }). We define the relative boundary ∂(G, {H 1 , ..., H r }) = ∂(G, O) corresponding to the free product decomposition, as the set of infinite reduced words (with respect to free product length). By denoting Out(G, {H 1 , ..., H r }) the subgroup of Out(G) which is consisted of the outer automorphisms which preserve the set of conjugacy classes of H i 's, we prove that for the stabiliser Stab(X) of an attractive fixed point in X ∈ ∂(G, {H 1 , ..., H r }) of an irreducible with irreducible powers automorphism relative to O, it holds that it has a (normal) subgroup B isomorphic to subgroup of r i=1Out(H i ) such that Stab(X)/B is isomorphic to Z. The proof relies heavily on the machinery of the attractive lamination of an IWIP automorphism relative to O.