Direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) technique is a widely used digital cellular technique for personal communication, which allows multiple users to share limited bandwidth and time. In CDMA systems, the transmitted signals will experience multipath fading channel as well as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Therefore, the capacity and performance of CDMA systems are affected by several types of interference, including multiple access interference (MAI), inter-symbol interference (ISI) as well as AWGN. During the past few decades, blind multiuser detection (MUD) technique has attracted more and more attention since it can suppress various types of interference and demodulate the desired signals efficiently and effectively. In this thesis, various issues regarding blind multiuser detection against MAI, ISI, and AWGN will be addressed. Assuming the received signals are processed in a batch manner, several types of blind batch MUD algorithms will firstly be derived. The first type is a user identification and detection (UID) algorithm. It is a two-step detector, in which we first identify the active unknown interferers by comparing the estimated power levels of each admissible user. Following that, a zero-forcing (ZF) detector can be formed to suppress the MAI and ISI. The second type of batch MUD is an inter-symbol subspace-based (ISSB) minimum mean square error (MMSE) detector. This detector utilizes the inter-symbol correlation matrix formed by two successive received signal bits and does not need to estimate the background noise level. Due to the properties of this matrix, we propose a simplified iv