In the present article, we consider a thermoelastic plate of Reissner-Mindlin-Timoshenko type with the hyperbolic heat conduction arising from Cattaneo's law. In the absense of any additional mechanical dissipations, the system is often not even strongly stable unless restricted to the rotationally symmetric case, etc. We present a well-posedness result for the linear problem under general mixed boundary conditions for the elastic and thermal parts. For the case of a clamped, thermally isolated plate, we show an exponential energy decay rate under a full damping for all elastic variables. Restricting the problem to the rotationally symmetric case, we further prove that a single frictional damping merely for the bending compoment is sufficient for exponential stability. To this end, we construct a Lyapunov functional incorporating the Bogovskiȋ operator for irrotational vector fields which we discuss in the appendix.MOS subject classification: 35L55; 35Q74; 74D05; 93D15; 93D20