In this paper we are concerned with contact process with random recovery rates on open clusters of bond percolation on Z d . Let ξ be a positive random variable, then we assigned i. i. d. copies of ξ on the vertices as the random recovery rates. Assuming that each edge is open with probability p and log d vertices are occupied at t = 0, we prove that the following phase transition occurs. When the infection rate λ < λ c = 1/(pE 1 ξ ), then the process dies out at time O(log d) with high probability as d → +∞, while when λ > λ c , the process survives with high probability.for each e ∈ E d , where p ∈ (0, 1), then we denote by x ↔ y when and only when x ∼ y and the edge e connecting x and y satisfies that X(e) = 1. For each x ∈ Z d , we defineas the set of neighbors of x. Please note that N (x) is a random set depending on {X(e)} e∈E d . Let ξ be a random variable such that P (ξ ≥ 1) = 1 and {ξ(x)} x∈Z d be i. i. d. random variables such that ξ(x) and ξ have identical probability distributions. We assume that {ξ(x)} x∈Z d and {X(e)} e∈E d are independent. The contact process is a Markov process with state space