The asymptotic behavior, as T → ∞, of some functionals of the form IT (t) = FT (ξT (t)) + t 0 gT (ξT (s)) dWT (s), t ≥ 0 is studied. Here ξT (t) is the solution to the timeinhomogeneous Itô stochastic differential equationx ∈ R and t ≥ 0, WT (t) are standard Wiener processes, FT (x), x ∈ R are continuous functions, gT (x), x ∈ R are measurable locally bounded functions, and everything is realvalued. The explicit form of the limiting processes for IT (t) is established under nonregular dependence of aT (t, x) and gT (x) on the parameter T .Keywords Diffusion-type processes, asymptotic behavior of functionals, nonregular dependence on the parameter 2010 MSC 60H10, 60F17, 60J60