BSTRACTThe paper studies characteristics of the minimum mean-square error symmetric scalar quantizers for the generalized gamma, Bucklew-Gallagher and Hui-Neuhoff probability density functions. Toward this goal, asymptotic formulas for the inner-and outermost thresholds, and distortion are derived herein for nonuniform quantizers for the Bucklew-Gallagher and Hui-Neuhoff densities, parallelling the previous studies for the generalized gamma density, and optimal uniform and nonuniform quantizers are designed numerically and their characteristics tabulated for integer rates up to 20 and 16 bits, respectively, except for the Hui-Neuhoff density.The assessed asymptotic formulas are found consistently more accurate as the rate increases, essentially making their asymptotic convergence to true values numerically acceptable at the studied bit range, except for the Hui-Neuhoff density, in which case they are still consistent and suggestive of convergence. Also investigated is the uniqueness problem of the differentiation method for finding optimal step sizes of uniform quantizers: it is observed that, for the commonly studied densities, the distortion has a unique local minimizer, hence showing that the differentiation method yields the optimal step size, but also observed that it leads to multiple solutions to numerous generalized gamma densities.Key Words : scalar quantization, generalized gamma source, Bucklew-Gallagher source, Hui-Neuhoff source, asymptotic formulas, MSE distortion
Ⅰ. IntroductionQuantization is an integral part of converting an analog signal to a digital form for further processing, communication and/or storage, such as in a GPS system [1] , a soft-decision error correction system [2] or a multiple antenna mobile system [3] . In such applications it is important to estimate the performance and key characteristics of quantizers for the system design and performance analysis. In general without actual design it is difficult to estimate accurately thresholds, quantization levels, and the mean-square error (MSE) distortion of an optimal (minimum MSE) quantizer. However, when the number of levels is large, the high resolution quantization theory [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] has discovered approximation formulas that are increasingly accurate with more number of levels for some of such characteristics. This paper extends in particular these two studies [9][10] , respectively, to nonuniform quantizers and to source probability density functions (pdfs) with heavier tails; investigates the uniqueness problem of the differentiation approach [9] for finding optimal step sizes; and assesses accuracies of these formulas by comparing them with those of numerically designed quantizers.