We review recent results obtained in the scattering theory of dissipative quantum systems representing the long-time evolution of a system S interacting with another system S ′ and susceptible of being absorbed by S ′ . The effective dynamics of S is generated by an operator of the form H = H0 + V − iC * C on the Hilbert space of the pure states of S, where H0 is the self-adjoint generator of the free dynamics of S, V is symmetric and C is bounded. The main example is a neutron interacting with a nucleus in the nuclear optical model. We recall the basic objects of the scattering theory for the pair (H, H0), as well as the results, proven in [10,11], on the spectral singularities of H and the asymptotic completeness of the wave operators. Next, for the nuclear optical model, we show that asymptotic completeness generically holds.