Abstract. We apply the results of [Dy13] to describe asymptotic behavior of linear waves on stationary Lorentzian metrics with r-normally hyperbolic trapped sets, in particular Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter metrics with |a| < M and M Λa 1. We prove that if the initial data is localized at frequencies ∼ λ 1, then the energy norm of the solution is bounded by O(λ 1/2 e −(νmin−ε)t/2 ) + O(λ −∞ ), for t ≤ C log λ, where ν min is a natural dynamical quantity. The key tool is a microlocal projector splitting the solution into a component with controlled rate of exponential decay and an O(λe −(νmin−ε)t ) + O(λ −∞ ) remainder; this splitting can be viewed as an analog of resonance expansion. Moreover, for the Kerr-de Sitter case we study quasi-normal modes; under a dynamical pinching condition, a Weyl law in a band holds.The subject of this paper are decay properties of solutions to the wave equation for the rotating Kerr (cosmological constant Λ = 0) and Kerr-de Sitter (Λ > 0) black holes, as well as for their stationary perturbations. In the recent decade, there has been a lot of progress in understanding the upper bounds on these solutions, producing a polynomial decay rate O(t −3 ) for Kerr and an exponential decay rate O(e −νt ) for Kerrde Sitter (the latter is modulo constant functions). The weaker decay for Λ = 0 is explained by the presence of an asymptotically Euclidean infinite end; however, this polynomial decay comes from low frequency contributions.We instead concentrate on the decay of solutions with initial data localized at high frequencies ∼ λ 1; it is related to the geometry of the trapped set K, consisting of lightlike geodesics that never escape to the spatial infinity or through the event horizons. The trapped set for both Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter metrics is r-normally hyperbolic, and this dynamical property is stable under stationary perturbations of the metric -see §3.6. The key quantities associated to such trapping are the minimal and maximal transversal expansion rates 0 < ν min ≤ ν max , see (2.9), (2.10). Using our recent work [Dy13], we show the exponential decay rate O(λ 1/2 e −(ν min −ε)t/2 ) + O(λ −∞ ), valid for t = O(log λ) (Theorem 1). This bound is new for the Kerr case, complementing Price's law.Our methods give a more precise microlocal description of long time propagation of high frequency solutions. In Theorem 2, we split a solution u(t) into two approximate solutions to the wave equation, u Π (t) and u R (t), with the rate of decay of u Π (t) between e −(νmax+ε)t/2 and e −(ν min −ε)t/2 and u R (t) bounded from above by λe −(ν min −ε)t , all 1 arXiv:1305.1723v1 [gr-qc]