Let L be a negative holomorphic line bundle over an (n − 1)-dimensional complex torus D. Let h be a Hermitian metric on L such that the curvature form of the dual Hermitian metric defines a flat Kähler metric on D. Then h is unique up to scaling, and, for some closed tubular neighborhood V of the zero section D ⊂ L, the form ω h = −(n + 1)i∂∂ log(−log h) defines a complete Kähler-Einstein metric on V \ D with Ric(ω h ) = −ω h . In fact, ω h is complex hyperbolic, i.e., the holomorphic sectional curvature of ω h is constant, and ω h has the usual doubly-warped cusp structure familiar from complex hyperbolic geometry. In this paper, we prove that if U is another closed tubular neighborhood of the zero section and if ω is a complete Kähler-Einstein metric with Ric(ω) = −ω on U \ D, then there exist a Hermitian metric h as above and a δ ∈ R + such that ω − ω h = O(e −δ √ −log h ) to all orders with respect to ω h as h → 0. This rate is doubly exponential in the distance from a fixed point, and is sharp.