Abstract. In this work, we examine effects of permanent charges on ionic flows through ion channels via a quasi-one-dimensional classical Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) model. The geometry of the three-dimensional channel is presented in this model to a certain extent, which is crucial for the study in this paper. Two ion species, one positively charged and one negatively charged, are considered with a simple profile of permanent charges: zeros at the two end regions and a constant Q 0 over the middle region. The classical PNP model can be viewed as a boundary value problem (BVP) of a singularly perturbed system. The singular orbit of the BVP depends on Q 0 in a regular way. Assuming |Q 0 | is small, a regular perturbation analysis is carried out for the singular orbit. Our analysis indicates that effects of permanent charges depend on a rich interplay between boundary conditions and the channel geometry. Furthermore, interesting common features are revealed: for Q 0 = 0, only an average quantity of the channel geometry plays a role; however, for Q 0 = 0, details of the channel geometry matter; in particular, to optimize effects of a permanent charge, the channel should have a short and narrow neck within which the permanent charge is confined. The latter is consistent with structures of typical ion channels.Key words. ionic flow, permanent charge, channel geometry AMS subject classifications. 34A26, 34B16, 34D15, 37D10, 92C35 DOI. 10.1137/140992527
Introduction.In this work, we analyze effects of permanent charges on ionic flows through ion channels, based on a quasi-one-dimensional classical PoissonNernst-Planck (PNP) model. The geometry of the three-dimensional channel is presented in this model to a certain extent, which is crucial for the study in this paper. We start with a brief discussion of the biological background of ion channel problems, a quasi-one-dimensional PNP model, and the main concern of our work in this paper.