Following an argument proposed by Mason, we prove that there are no algebraically special asymptotically simple vacuum space-times with a smooth, shear-free, geodesic congruence of principal null directions extending transversally to a cross-section of I + . Our analysis leaves the door open for escaping this conclusion if the congruence is not smooth, or not transverse to I + . One of the elements of the proof is a new rigidity theorem for the Trautman-Bondi mass. * 4 As already pointed out, all these conditions will hold by [17] if the space-time is asymptotically simple.5 Here and elsewhere, we follow the conventions of [16] for the NP spin-coefficient formalism, so that these conditions on the Ricci tensor are equivalent to the vanishing of the scalar curvature and of Φ ABA ′ B ′ o A o B , where o A is the spinor obtained from ℓ.6 The exact decay rates needed can be found by chasing through the calculations in [15,25] that lead to the Natorf-Tafel mass aspect formula (3.33) below.7 Theorem 2.1 below allows configurations somewhat more general than Theorem 1.1, but those are still less general than indicated in [14]. 8 We allow the metric to be II at some places and D at others.