We consider the version of Hořava gravity where "detailed balance" is consistently implemented, so as to limit the huge proliferation of couplings in the full theory and obtain healthy dynamics at low energy. Since a superpotential which is third-order in spatial derivatives is not sufficient to guarantee the power-counting renormalizability of the spin-0 graviton, one needs to go an order beyond in derivatives, building a superpotential up to fourth-order spatial derivatives. Here we perturb the action to quadratic order around flat space and show that the power-counting renormalizability of the spin-0 graviton is achieved only by setting to zero a specific coupling of the theory, while the spin-2 graviton is always power-counting renormalizable for any choice of the couplings. This result raises serious doubts about the use of detailed balance.PACS numbers: 04.60.-m, 04.50. Kd, 11.30.Cp Hořava gravity [1,2] has attracted a lot of attention since it was first proposed, as it encodes all the necessary ingredients to be both a renormalizable theory of gravity and a phenomenologically viable one (see Refs. [3][4][5] for some reviews).The fundamental aim of the theory is to be an ultraviolet (UV) completion of general relativity, pursued by abandoning the local Lorentz invariance. It is based on the idea of modifying the graviton propagator by adding to the gravitational action higher-order spatial derivatives without adding higher-order time derivatives. In this way one can obtain a power-counting renormalizable theory [6,7]. Indeed, at the moment there is no definite evidence that the theory is fully quantum renormalizable (even if some evidence in this direction has been recently revealed in Ref.[8]), and the renormalizability is only supported by power-counting arguments.Since the theory treats space and time on different footing, it is naturally constructed in terms of a preferred foliation of spacetime, leading to violations of Lorentz symmetry at all scales. The theory is built using an ADM decomposition of spacetime,where N is the lapse function, N i the shift vector, and g ij the induced three-dimensional metric on the spacelike hypersurfaces.The most general action of Hořava gravity can be written as follows:whereis the kinetic term, which is quadratic in the time derivatives, k is a coupling of suitable dimensions, K ij is the extrinsic curvature of the spacelike hypersurfaces,K = g ij K ij is its trace, ∇ i is the covariant derivative associated with g ij , λ is a dimensionless coupling, and G ijkl is the generalized DeWitt "metric on the space of metrics", which is written in terms of the induced metric g ij asThe potential term isand it includes all the operators built with the metric and the lapse compatibly with the invariance of the theory under foliation-preserving diffeomorphisms, i.e., t →t(t), x i →x i (t, x i ). The most general action includes a very large number of operators ∼ O(10 2 ) that are allowed by the symmetry. This makes the theory intractable and compromises predictability in th...