Guided by the empirical observation that realtime MPEG video streams exhibit both multiple time scale and subexponential characteristics, we construct a video model that captures both of these characteristics and is amenable to queueing analysis. We investigate two fundamental approaches for extracting the model parameters: using sample path and second-order statistics-based methods. The model exhibits the following two canonical queueing behaviors. When strict stability conditions are satisfied, i.e., the conditional mean of each scene is smaller than the capacity of the server, precise modeling of the interscene dynamics (long-term dependency) is not essential for the accurate prediction of small to moderately large queue sizes. In this case, the queue length distribution is determined using quasistationary (perturbation theory) analysis. When weak stability conditions are satisfied, i.e., the conditional mean of at least one scene type is greater than the capacity of the server, the dominant effect for building a large queue size is the subexponential (long-tailed) scene length distribution. In this case, precise modeling of intrascene statistics is of secondary importance for predicting the large queueing behavior. A fluid model, whose arrival process is obtained from the video data by replacing scene statistics with their means, is shown to asymptotically converge to the exact queue distribution. Using the transition scenario of moving from one stability region to the other by a change in the value of the server capacity, we synthesize recent queueing theoretic advances and ad hoc results in video modeling, and unify a broad range of seemingly contradictory experimental observations found in the literature. As a word of caution for the widespread usage of second-order statistics modeling methods, we construct two processes with the same second-order statistics that produce distinctly different queueing behaviors.